You Are Different, But in a Way You Don’t Realize

dan solinAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

The most common request I receive from advisors is how to differentiate them from their competitors.

They don’t need my assistance if they are fee-only and competing with wirehouses. But often that’s not the case.

My firm serves only evidence-based advisors. They want to demonstrate how they are different from other evidence-based advisors.

That’s challenging.

A false premise

My clients offer various services, including portfolio management, retirement planning, and tax-efficient investing. They use similar terminology, tout their expertise, and promise exceptional service to their clients.

Sometimes, I joke that the website menu item that states “how we are different” could be changed to “how we are the same” without altering the text of the corresponding landing page.

The first step in differentiating yourself is accepting that you and other evidence-based advisors often provide the same (or similar) services, have a similar investment philosophy, offer comparable financial plans, and are equally committed to the well-being of your clients.