How to Create Content When Financial Advice “Depends” on the Client

Carolyn Dalle-Molle

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We hear it all the time: If you want to drive organic growth, create content online.

It’s true. Today’s consumer is online, and it’s wise for advisors to have a strong digital presence in order to stay competitive long term.

But how can you create valuable content when so much of your advice “depends” on the client? I received this question on LinkedIn from a CFP in Viriginia.

This is a poignant question—it highlights the challenge of providing value without knowing all the details of someone’s life and remaining compliant. In reality, content ranges from highly personalized to generic for the masses. At Ficomm, we’ve found that meaningful content that deeply connects with a prospect has the highest impact on growth.

So, how can you achieve this balance? Watch the short 4-minute video above to learn my 3-step process.

Next: What else on your mind? 'Dear Ficomm’ is a free advice column for advisors and I’d love to hear from you. Send me any marketing question here and I’ll create a short video like this to help you with strategic next steps.

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Carolyn Dalle-Molle, an accomplished growth marketer, boasts a proven track record with a realistic, iterative approach to marketing. As VP of Consulting and Innovation at Ficomm Partners, she shares her wealth of marketing expertise with purpose-driven financial advisors. Dalle-Molle began her career at a top SEO firm in Boston, where she witnessed the transformative impact of a brand’s digital presence. Beyond search, she has excelled in diverse marketing roles, notably increasing a fintech company's lead list from 5,000 to an impressive 30,000 in just two years with no budget. Later, hired by two MIT co-founders, Dalle-Molle skillfully led a small team to achieve an 8x increase in sales in under one year. Most recently, as the in-house marketing consultant at XY Planning Network, she played a pivotal role in supporting the growth of over 1,600 advisor members. Dalle-Molle is a mother of two, antique homeowner, garden hobbyist, and lover of design.

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