Money Should Work Better. Crypto Can Actually Help

If money makes the world go around, it hasn’t been doing a very good job lately. Beyond developed nations — in eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa — people and businesses are increasingly finding themselves cut off from global payments. An unintended consequence of necessary measures to enforce sanctions and thwart criminals, the trend is doing significant damage to trade and economic growth.

Believe it or not, crypto could help. Far from the hype surrounding the likes of Bitcoin, officials at multinational financial authorities are adapting the technology to design a payment system that could better connect the world. They deserve their governments’ full support.

Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, global financial authorities have imposed stringent verification requirements on banks that process international payments. In response, these correspondent banks have retreated from areas they deem too risky, particularly in lower-income countries. The diminished access has had real consequences: By one estimate, affected exporters in emerging Europe have reduced employment by more than 10% on average.