Building a $1 Million, 100-Days-Off Practice With a Proven 7-Step Framework

stephanie BoganAdvisor Perspectives welcomes guest contributions. The views presented here do not necessarily represent those of Advisor Perspectives.

Ever heard the riddle about the five frogs on a lily pad? One decides to leap off. How many frogs are left? If you said four, think again. The answer is still five. Deciding to leap isn’t the same as actually jumping. This is a lot like the journey many financial advisors face.

Thinking about making a change – how to grow, achieve more, escape the grind – is one thing. But thinking about leaping isn't the same as taking that leap. Even when we feel stuck on a treadmill, our brains are wired to avoid change in the face of uncertainty.

The best way to leap into new levels of success is to follow a framework that gives you the mindset and methods to succeed. I have developed a seven-step framework that has been used countless times to assist advisors looking to build a $1 million, 100-days-off practice, as well as help leaders of seven-figure firms scale their success to new heights.

Step one: Planning for success

“When the vision is clear, the decisions are easy.” Too often, advisors run their firms reactively without a clear plan for where they want to go, exerting a lot of effort in the absence of intention. I liken this to playing a high-stakes game of professional "whack-a-mole" (which seems to resonate with the advisory firms I speak with). Without a vision, it’s impossible to prioritize the right efforts and actions. Define what success looks like for you – how big you want your firm to grow, what kind of clients you want to work with, and the lifestyle you want to create.

Start by asking yourself these crucial questions:

  • What kind of income and lifestyle do I want to create?
  • Who are the clients I do my best work with?

Research Insight: According to a study by Harvard Business Review, businesses with a clear vision are 70 percent more likely to outperform their competitors.

By defining your ultimate goals, you'll set a clear direction for your practice, making every decision much easier along the way.