How Should DC Plans Deliver Lifetime Income to Typical Participants?

Steady income and access to remaining assets are key considerations for DC plan sponsors.

Many defined contribution (DC) plan participants want secure income that lasts for their lifetimes, but they may be unwilling or unable to create such an income stream on their own. Plan sponsors are in a good position to help, with a number of solutions available designed to deliver secure lifetime income.

Given the distinctions, it may be challenging to compare lifetime income options without a level playing field, and that’s where we think a comprehensive framework can help. One important consideration in such a framework is accounting for participants’ priorities with regard to two key goals: steady income and access to their remaining account balance.

Satisfying the Need for Both Income and a Remaining Balance

According to our latest DC plan participant survey, two-thirds of respondents would choose a lower initial guaranteed income amount in order to keep control of their assets, with potential growth through market gains. This suggests to us that the majority of participants want lifetime income as well as growth and access to their remaining account balances, although income remains their primary concern.

For these typical participants, we think the notion of receiving income for life without having to give up growth or liquidity, as with a guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefit (GLWB), may be an efficient choice. Participants keep access to and control of their assets, while insurance addresses the risk of outliving their income payments (longevity risk).