Special Report: Astoria’s 10 ETFs for 2025

Astoria's 10 ETF Themes for 2025

  • Investors’ love affair with past winners is insatiable. The ‘conventional wisdom’ on Wall Street is that semi-conductors, US mega-cap growth stocks, and market cap weighted strategies will continue to be the ‘big winners’ in 2025. Unfortunately, yesterday’s darlings seldom outperform in the future with the same risk-adjusted returns per unit of liquidity risk (this is important) as they did in the past. Paradigm shifts typically happen slowly and quietly, with most investors realizing after the fact.
  • Last year, we were bulled up in our 10 ETFs for 2024. This year, we are taking our bullishness down a notch. We find ourselves having to go into far corners of the market to produce an asymmetric risk/return (i.e., merger arbitrage, IPOs, spin-offs, banks, cryptos) given how expensive valuations have gotten in both equities (excluding US value, US SMID, and international) and fixed income. Outside of select pockets of the equity market, there are not many attractive opportunities in the US large-cap space. Hence, history suggests the market is overdue for a big, fat correction. The good news is that the Fed has a lot of levers to pull with Fed Funds at the 4.50-4.75% range if the economy hits an air pocket.
  • Many firms put out their 2025 reports with forecasts and predictions, but we find very few of them are actionable. We wish the authors would attach a link to their prior-year forecasts so we can judge how well they did. The goal of this piece is to not only provide unique thought leadership but to provide investors with actionable investment ideas. Here are our 10 ETFs for 2024 (click here).