Q4 2024 Strategy Letter: One More Before Year End

At the 2018 Berkshire Annual Meeting, Buffett noted that “multiple times in my life, people have felt the country was more divided than ever….and after every election you’ll have people feeling the world is coming to an end and, you know, ‘How could this happen? Through it all, you know, America — in fits and starts — but America really, really moves ahead.” And somewhere else he noted that “for 240 years, it’s been a terrible mistake to bet against America, and now is no time to start.”

So says the guy with the largest cash position in the world and is selling Apple and Bank of America every week with the enthusiasm of Elon Musk at his first SEC budget meeting.

Getting this out of the way, 2024 has been somewhat of an annoying bummer on an Aaron Judge postseason scale. Here is an example that played out in two remarkably similar episodes. In both cases, we were sitting on long term, five-baggers when the CEOs call us directly and ask WTF is happening in their stocks, as they don’t understand the lofty valuations. In one case, we witnessed $1mm of insider selling following the call. So that seemed like a relevant data point, and it wasn’t as if we didn’t have a half dozen other investments that were trading like paint drying to which we could, in a disciplined fashion, recycle capital. I am sure you know how this is trending. The two in question are up big since we made the sales, and the recycled recipients are unchanged. Disappointing…though we stand by our process and would suggest our recently deployed capital has less to lose and more to gain heading into 2025.

Because we are busy and Jim Grant and Co. do such a great job at this, with publisher permission, we present this page as a pretty decent summary of what we are referring to as “speculative nonsense.” Our favorite is “The Market is Expensive But Don’t Sell Your Stocks.”
