Seeking Sterling Bond Exposure? Look Beyond the UK

Recent turmoil in the UK’s water utility sector has brought home to investors the age-old warning: diversify, diversify, diversify. We find that investing with a global mindset enables much more effective portfolio diversification and far wider opportunities to add value.

Think Outside the Currency Box

We believe that sterling-based bond investors shouldn’t be swayed by home-country and currency bias and should shun unnecessary limitations on their breadth of investment choice.

The recent instance of the largest water utility in the UK—and one of the largest issuers in the sterling market—going into distress was a harsh reminder of how bias toward a single currency can hurt performance. Sticking to a narrow market with limited opportunities makes it hard for investors to avoid shocks in securities that form a large part of the index.

But a global approach has other advantages, too. Over recent decades, companies worldwide have diversified their businesses geographically and increased their exposure to overseas currencies. They’ve also diversified their debt issuance beyond their home currency. This has provided bond investors with the flexibility to implement their investment strategies across a wider range of issuers and currencies (Display). Such an approach can help both to mitigate risks and enhance returns, all while remaining fully currency hedged.

ICE Bank of America Global Corporate Index