It's important to stay informed regarding the latest updates to 529 college savings plans, for both current account holders and prospective savers. In recent years there have been significant changes, including The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) 2.0 Act in December of 2022, which helps enhance the flexibility and benefits of 529 plans.
Our college-ranking system is based on the economic value created for students. It is not another rehashed list of colleges, sorted by SAT score.
How do you develop a plan when you don’t know what to plan for? That is the question faced by every family with a child ready to apply for college. But that plan need not be made in a vacuum.
Weighty issues need to be considered before making expensive college commitments that could easily be disrupted in the coming months.
Planning for college and determining how to fund it is difficult in the best of times. But during a recession, it can be… a blessing? We’re not kidding, and here’s why.
Over the course of 20+ years, families have been bamboozled into spending trillions on top-end colleges, while overlooking the fact that it's actually the academic major that is far more important.