Exceptional circumstances roiled the loan market in the first half. It's impossible to say what will happen next, but the loan market's floating-rate feature could offer value in multiple scenarios versus other fixed income assets.
Municipal bond issuers are often linked to tangible, physical assets directly exposed to the effects of climate change.
The current spread differential between European and US corporate spreads have us considering a shift in our thinking.
The business press sometimes likes to say that a recession is a decline of real GDP lasting at least two consecutive quarters. Not so.
We think the housing sector should hold steady with good structural trends, a potentially bad environment for housing bargains and a scenario for prolonged inflation.
Recent G-7 discussions about imposing caps on the price of Russian oil and gas have led to some head-scratching.
With consumer behavior under a magnifying glass, Portfolio Manager Jennifer Thomas, shares her assessment of the US consumer.
Senior Sovereign Analyst Jon Levy answers some key questions about the European Central Bank's latest moves.
The Federal Open Market Committee’s announcement of a 75-basis-point (bp) rate hike on June 15 revealed a shift in the Fed’s thinking.
US dollar cycles last an average of six to nine years, and we are approaching the tenth year of this dollar bull market.
A historic shift in central bank policy is currently underway. The implications of this change are likely to be varied and in some instances substantial.
As investors navigate an uncertain future after QE, the past may be their best guide.
Go around the world in one blog post; Loomis Sayles' Macro Strategies Group shares a visual snapshot of its GDP growth expectations for the months ahead.
The recent surge in interest rates and inflation has put the record strength in housing under a microscope.
Senior Global Equity Opportunities Analyst Julian Wellesley looks at the progress banks have made in disclosing their climate risks and how they could still improve.
Though we are wary of suggesting that “it’s different this time,” we see reasons to believe the most recent yield curve inversion doesn't signal imminent recession
With inflation and growth pressures in abundance, consider TIPS.
A look at the recent shift in bank loan and high yield bond correlations and why it matters for fixed income investors.
How might China manage its strategic relationships with Russia and the West as the war continues? Senior Sovereign Analyst Bo Zhuang shares his views through the lens of President Xi Jinping’s agenda.
Senior Sovereign Analyst Gregory Hadjian and Alpha Strategies Portfolio Managers Andrea DiCenso and Peter Yanulis consider the potential opportunity offered in local EM debt markets.
Last week, we outlined three possible scenarios for the Russia-Ukraine conflict and their implications for financial markets. Unfortunately, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made the full invasion scenario a reality.
Loomis Sayles' Macro Strategies Group looks at three scenarios for the Russia-Ukraine conflict and how those outcomes could impact financial markets.
Senior Sovereign Analyst Hassan Malik explains why he believes Russia’s role in the global supply chain gives it enormous economic leverage over the West.
Loomis Sayles' Mortgage and Structured Finance Team shares its views on key themes in 2022.
Global EM Equities Portfolio Manager Ashish Chugh shares his views on key themes in the EM equities space in 2022.
Members of Loomis Sayles' IG Credit Sector Team share their views on key themes in 2022.
The municipal bond market has historically outperformed relative to Treasurys during periods of rising interest rates.
Members of Loomis Sayles' Global Credit Sector Team share their views on key themes in 2022.
We think risk assets can offer opportunity in 2022 as long as investors can stomach potential volatility.
Loomis Sayles' Emerging Markets Debt Sector Team share their views on key themes in 2022.
Leveraged loan supply and demand experienced a banner year in 2021.
Loomis Sayles' high yield sector team share their views on rising rates, CCC-rated bonds and where they're seeing potential opportunity in 2022.
To kick off our annual sector outlook series, Loomis Sayles Senior Macro Strategies Analyst Craig Burelle shares his views on the macro backdrop in 2022, covering inflation, the Fed and the global expansion.
COVID-19 variants may come and go, but Senior Commodities Analyst Saurabh Lele thinks investors should plan for a longer-term scenario: a prolonged transition from pandemic to endemic conditions.
Supply chain issues, slower growth in China and the lingering impact of COVID-19 have created a bumpier path for global growth than we had expected. We anticipate solid but less synchronized global growth ahead. Many central banks have stated their intent to remove accommodation slowly, which is a silver lining to our less-robust growth outlook. Read on for a visual snapshot of our GDP growth expectations around the globe.
Michael Glachun shares why he thinks this cycle has three distinctive features that could propel a faster pace and greater magnitude of Fed tightening than the market seems to expect.
This installment of our ESG Engagement Series unpacks the relationship between a leading auto manufacturer and Loomis Sayles Credit Researchers.
While the surge in gas prices seems to have surprised the market, it’s been more than nine months in the making. Ryan McGrail discusses the factors behind the surge and what could happen next.
Markets tend to get a little bumpier at this stage of the expansion, but we believe risk assets should still perform well.
Senior Sovereign Analyst Bo Zhuang shares his perspective on China's Evergrande situation and how the government may respond.
Senior Sovereign Analyst Bo Zhuang clears up some key questions about China's regulatory crackdown.
We believe global growth in 2021 will remain strong, though a grand global reopening looks increasingly unlikely. The spread of the COVID-19 delta variant may limit a return to normalcy and full employment. We believe the next few months will be critical for determining the economic trajectory in 2022. Read on for a visual snapshot of our GDP growth expectations around the globe.
The business development companies (BDCs) sector could follow a growth path similar to REITs.
Chief Economist Brian Horrigan looks at the pandemic’s lingering effect on employment and shares his outlook for the months ahead.
Senior Global Equity Opportunities Analyst Julian Wellesley discusses the role of banking in racial wealth inequality in the US and the steps banks could take toward financial inclusion.
Global EM equities portfolio manager Ashish Chugh shares why he thinks EM inflation and rates fears may be overblown.
Even with high valuations, we believe earnings growth can beat consensus expectations. In this environment, we’re not shying away from the risk-on trade.
Emerging Market Debt Portfolio Manager Elisabeth Colleran shares why she believes EM corporates have a particularly strong value proposition within the broader EM debt universe.
Like most risk assets, emerging market (EM) equities were hit hard by the pandemic, but they’ve made a remarkable rebound. From the low on 23 March 2020 to 18 June 2021, the MSCI Emerging Markets Equity Index gained 80%.