Should You Write Your Own Blog?

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Kristen Luke

If you decide to include a blog in your marketing plan, the next decision is whether to personally write original articles or use articles ghostwritten by third party content providers such as Peter Montoya ($25/month plus a $295 initiation fee) or Forefield ($399/year).  Every advisor’s situation is different, so you must evaluate your goals, resources and restrictions to determine the best solution for you. 

To help with that decision, consider the pros and cons of each option.

The pros of original blog content

Personally written blogs reflect the voice and personality of that advisor which helps create a connection between the reader and the writer.  The advisor can write articles specific to his or her target market that are sometimes difficult to find with content providers, like those mentioned above, that write articles for the general public.  

Another advantage of writing your own blog is that you are able to discuss personal details.  Sharing information about your life, family, interests and experiences may go against your natural instincts, but sometimes those are the most effective articles.  Through the sharing of personal details, the audience relates to you on a personal level. 

One final advantage of writing your own blog is that it opens up opportunities to contribute to other sites.  For example, some financial websites provide content to their audience by aggregating blogs written by financial advisors.  One such site is FiGuide. When sites like these feature your blog, you increase exposure not only for your blog but for your business as well.

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