Dealing with Clients Who Are Obsessed About the Safety of Their Money

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The fourth and final category of money scripts in my series is money vigilance. Those with money vigilance tend to be watchful and guarded about their finances. They will commonly have beliefs such as, "You should not tell others how much money you have or make," "Money should be saved, not spent," and, "Everyone should have money saved for an emergency."

For those folks, money is largely about security. They are very concerned about their money running out and ending up without sufficient resources. If there is one overwhelming emotion that they try to keep at bay, it’s anxiety. They also tend to be secretive about their money, reluctant to talk about it even with advisors.

Research has found that those with money vigilance scripts are negatively associated with compulsive buying, gambling, financial enabling, financial denial, and financial infidelity. They are less likely to have revolving credit card debt.

If you’ve been following this series on money script categories, you'll notice that this is the only category where the behaviors and predictive factors are generally positive. Does that make this the "best" category?

Not necessarily.