A Brief Quiz on the Economy

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Successful investors must answer three questions: Will we have serious inflation? Will interest rates increase? Will stock prices fall?

The government wants us to believe that it is in control, and that the future remains bright. The recent “Federal Reserve rally” attests to the effectiveness of this gaslighting. If we stop believing the illusion, the economy and stock market will crash.

It’s all about confidence. Paper money is called “fiat currency” because it only works by fiat, which Webster defines as an arbitrary order.

Here’s a quick quiz to test your confidence. Which of these statements are true?

A. Raising interest rates slows down an overheated economy, but our economy is not currently overheated.

B. Inflation causes increases in interest rates.

C. Fed “tapering” (reduction in bond purchases) reduces new money flow, slowing down the pace of inflation. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.