Financial Advice for Gen Z is a Matter of Choice

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The headlines are understandably full of intrigue and speculation about the rising power and behavior of Gen Z. This generation has little to no memory of a world without smartphones; they rely on social media for everyday life. As the first group of truly digital natives, they represent the future and will be influencing the way we work and live.

Given the magnitude of the great wealth transfer underway, experts have been eager to predict this generation’s approach to money management and their impact on our financial world. As tempting as a predictive paradigm may be, trying to box Gen Z into a particular style of money management misses the point entirely. With access to financial information at their fingertips and the proclivity for doing their own research, the key to serving Gen Z within financial management will be to let them choose when, who and how advice should be delivered.

Gen Z is breaking the old model of seeking financial advice at a particular age or when a certain level of discretionary income is achieved. Gen Z wants to access financial advice and guidance at every point along their financial journey. Whether from a qualified financial advisor via phone, in-person or remotely, a self-directed financial platform or app, or even social media, Gen Z must be allowed to select what works best for their needs.