Harnessing the Impact of Changing Demographics to Grow Your Practice

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The demographic makeup of America is changing. Latinos now make up almost 20 percent of Americans, up from seven percent in 1980. But while the number of Latino Americans continues to grow, only about four percent of financial advisors identify as Latino.

This gap may be significant because while wealth within the Latino population is growing, the advisor population is not keeping pace. Over the last 10 years, Latino household wealth has grown at an annual compound rate of 12.5 percent – almost double that among non-Latino whites – and the demand for financial advice is also growing. Forty-two percent of Latinos in the U.S. received advice from a financial professional in 2023, up from 35 percent in 2022.

Clients choose their advisor based on criteria from years of experience to assets under management, but many also look for someone like them. A 2021 survey found investors often look for a financial advisor whose race, gender or age is similar to their own.

Carson Group partner Tim Avila, wealth advisor at Yuma Investment Group, agreed. He advised that speaking the same language as your prospective clients can be a big advantage. “People are more comfortable speaking to someone who speaks their primary language. Our business is all about trust and it’s a lot easier to build that with someone who speaks the same language as you.”

After graduating from Yale University Cum Laude in 1991, Avila moved back to his hometown of Yuma, where he practices today.