Modern Monetary Madness

Modern Monetary Madness

Pet Economists Can This Really Be a Thing?

Sound Bite Economics

Do Deficits Matter?

Strategic Investment and Life Planning

Dallas, Houston, Cleveland a lot, New York, back to Puerto Rico, Austin, and Dallas

More than 10 years ago some Australian readers begin regaling me with the ideas of economist Bill Mitchell of the University of Newcastle in New South Wales. He was teaching about something he called (and he coined the term) Modern Monetary Theory. I looked into it and fairly quickly dismissed it as silly. Actually printing money as an economic policy? Get serious.

MMT is a revival of an early 1900s idea called chartalism. Now it is influencing the thinking of new socialist-like movements in the US and other places and cited by politicians. MMT is increasingly appearing in mainstream media like this sobering Financial Times article. Since it is increasingly discussed in more public venues, you should know more about it and that will be today’s topic.

Before we go into that, I want to remind you that Priority Pricing for the Strategic Investment Conference ends on Monday, February 18. You can save up to $1,000 over the final registration price. On Tuesday, the price goes up substantially.

It’s the best lineup of speakers I’ve ever had. If I have room at the end of this letter I’ll mention them for you but you can look on the link and see the speakers yourself. Twenty-nine speakers plus yours truly, not including some well-known names as panel moderators. By popular request, there will be more panels and speaker interaction this year than ever.

Attendees all mentioned how much they enjoy discussing the conference with fellow attendees and making new friends, and especially that the speakers make themselves available to attendees as much as possible. Frankly, many of the speakers will attend most if not all of the conference. It is simply that good.

So don’t procrastinate, save yourself some money by clicking on the link and registering today. And make sure that we don’t have to tell you we sold out again. Registrations are ahead of schedule so there is a real chance even with the larger venue that that could happen.

Join me in Dallas. Now, on with our letter.