Market Pullback Or Bear Market?

Market pullback or bear market? Such seems to be the question on everyone’s mind as of late, given the rough start to 2022 so far.

There are undoubtedly many issues confronting even the most optimistic of investors currently.

  • Geopolitical risk from Russia and the threat to the Ukraine
  • Rising interest rates
  • Surging inflationary pressures
  • Economic growth slowing
  • Profit margins under pressure
  • Reversal of monetary liqudity
  • Tighter monetary policy from the Federal Reserve
  • Surging oil prices

There are certainly others, but you get the idea. The many tailwinds that supported the rapid rise in the markets from 2020 to the present have started to reverse. As shown, the roughly 120% advance from the March lows should not be surprising given the massive liquidity surge from the Government.

Market Pullback, Market Pullback Or Bear Market?

Also, not surprisingly, is the subsequent surge in inflation. As Milton Friedman stated:

“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. It is always and everywhere a result of too much money, of a more rapid increase of money, than of output.”