2 Dividend Growth Portfolios Built August 2021: One Focused On Income The Other Growth
On August 24, 2021, I presented two attractively valued dividend growth stock portfolios. One portfolio emphasized growth over income, and the other emphasized income over growth. I have been asked to update these portfolios even though I consider the timeframe too short to judge how well they are performing. Nevertheless, one of the many advantages of the FAST Graphs fundamentals analyzer tool is the ability to keep track of past decisions. Therefore, in this video I present a visual update of how these 2 model portfolios have been tracking so far. Below please find links to the original videos I produced in August – enjoy.

Portfolio Model No. 1
Abbvie (ABBV), Amgen (AMGN), Franklin Resources (BEN), Cardinal Health (CAH), Chemours (CC), Eastman Chemical (EMN), Enterprise Products Partners (EPD), HP Inc (HPQ), Ingredion (INGR), JP Morgan Chase (JPM), Altria Group (MO), Merck & Co (MRK), Omega Healthcare Investors (OHI), Omnicom Group (OMC), Principal Financial Group (PFG), South Jersey Industries (SJI), UGI Corp (UGI), VICI Properties (VICI), Verizon Communications (VZ)
Portfolio Model No. 2
Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA), AmerisourceBergen (ABC), Amgen (AMGN), Ameriprise Financial (AMP), Anthem (ANTM), Best Buy Co (BBY), BorgWarner (BWA), Cardinal Health (CAH), Cigna Corp (CI), Cummins (CMI), FMC Corp (FMC), Ingredion Inc (INGR), Lockheed Martin (LMT), Omnicom Group (OMC), Raymond James Financial (RJF), Science Applications (SAIC), Spire (SR), Tyson Foods (TSN), Whirlpool Corp (WHR)