Cannabis Stock IIPR
Cannabis stock Innovative Industrial Properties Inc. (IIPR) claims to be “the leading provider of real estate capital for the regulated cannabis industry.” As an investment, I consider IIPR a hybrid cross between a growth stock and a high-yield dividend growth stock. With that said, it is very rare to find a company that grows fast and pays a high dividend yield at the same time. These attributes make this company quite interesting for almost all types of investors whether they are looking for growth or income – or both. Nevertheless, as I will elaborate in the following video, prospective investors should simultaneously recognize the speculated nature of this rather young company. On the other hand, as the old saying goes: “nothing ventured nothing gained.”

Therefore, I am excited to present this video where I analyze this unique company through the powerful lens of the FAST Graphs fundamentals analyzer software tool. Not only will I analyze the fundamental value of this high yielding dividend growth stock, but I will also simultaneously illustrate the potential stock analysis capabilities that the FAST Graphs research tool provides. Researching stocks can be difficult, but like any job, it is always easier to perform when you possess the right tool or tools.