Evan Harp sat down with financial advisor Ramona Maior. Maior reflected on how financial advisors can better serve LGBTQ+ clients. She offered a number of quick and useful tips for advisors.
Evan Harp: What is the biggest challenge financial advisors have when it comes to how they handle LGBTQ+ clients and their issues?
Ramona Maior: One of the biggest challenges advisors face with LGBTQ+ clients is a lack of understanding. There are several financial and legal considerations that clients may encounter complexities that require additional care and consideration, such as adoption and gender-affirming surgery.
Harp: What’s one thing every advisor could do to make their practice more welcoming to LGBTQ+ people?
Maior: Openly display their commitment to diversity and inclusion on their website and social media outlets. Use inclusive language in content, and be open to sharing articles that specifically address LGBTQ+ issues.