Notes From the Desk: Inflation Expectations Rising But Shouldn't Derail Fed Cuts

After a string of negative surprises throughout the summer, economic data releases have surprised to the upside in recent weeks, illuminating the resiliency of the U.S. economic expansion.

Economic Surprise Index

Easy monetary policy via Fed rate cuts coupled with a "good enough" economy should naturally result in rising inflation expectations. This has been illustrated in many market-based measures of inflation, which have risen since September; however, many survey-based measures are still showing a disinflationary trend, which could reverse if economic growth and inflation data continue to surprise to the upside.

The most continuous measure of inflation expectations TIPS breakeven inflation, which is the spread between a Treasury inflation-protected security and a nominal Treasury bond has risen in recent weeks, boosted by strong economic data, easy Fed policy, and rising energy prices.

TIPS Breakeven Index