How Direct Indexing Can Make the Difference for Taxable Investors

A year-round focus on taxes can unlock value for investors in higher brackets—and it can help advisors prove their own value. See how direct indexing can help your clients keep more of what they make.

As far back as 1992, when Parametric launched its first customized separately managed account (SMA), clients and their advisors have been clear to us about one thing: taxes matter. Every investor wants a big return, but nobody wants to give more of that return to the IRS than they should or could. At Parametric, we pride ourselves on helping investors build portfolios designed to pursue after-tax value.

That’s why ongoing, systematic tax management is at the heart of our direct indexing offerings. Keeping a close eye on taxes is how we can unlock savings for investors anytime, even in their passive allocations. If your clients are using more traditional commingled products for their passive exposures, they may not know how much money they’re leaving on the table. Here’s what they should hear about the possible tax advantages of switching to an SMA.

How do investors pay taxes on mutual funds and ETFs?

Mutual fund investors receive distributions when the fund sells an appreciated security and generates a capital gain. ETFs, which are typically passively managed with the goal of tracking an index, usually make in-kind transactions—exchanges of securities for ETF shares—which don’t trigger capital gains taxes. These only come in when the investor decides to sell shares of the ETF themselves.

A number of factors go into the category and amount of tax that investors pay on a mutual fund distribution or ETF share sale. The most important of these is the length of time that the fund manager or ETF investor held the security or share. If that was only a year or less, the proceeds are treated as ordinary income. If it was more than a year, the proceeds are treated as a long-term capital gain. The tax impact of these gains on the investor depends on their income tax bracket:

Income tax brackets