When Fishing or Investing, Patience Is Key

Executive summary:

  • The most important characteristic an angler needs is patience. We think investors do too.
  • It’s also important to choose the right spot and not to give up when conditions deteriorate.
  • But we also think the key is to stick it out. You won’t catch a fish unless your line is in the water, and you won’t benefit from the market’s potential move higher unless you are invested.

What characteristic does an angler need more than any other? If you said patience, you would be right. When it comes to fishing, it’s important to choose your location carefully, get prepared and then…..wait. Sometimes for quite a while.

We’ve all seen the iconic image of a lonely fisherman sitting in his dinghy in the rain waiting patiently for a fish to bite. Investing is somewhat similar.

Like fishing, successful investing is often dependent on being in the right place at the right time. That can take a lot of research, careful planning and ensuring you have the right tools. But mostly it takes patience.

As an advisor you probably spend a lot of your time cautioning your clients to remain patient, or at least not to react in knee-jerk fashion to sudden changes in the market environment. As we have shown year after year in our Value of an Advisor study, behavioral coaching – the work you do to keep your clients invested – is the greatest contributor to the value you provide.

To help you in your conversations with skittish investors, we’ve come up with a few analogies that compare investing with fishing. As avid outdoorsmen who live in the wooded northeast of our country, we've found that patience and tenacity have been invaluable in both investing and fishing.