Featured White Papers from Franklin Templeton Investments
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Peak CD Rates Don't Always Result in Peak Performance
October 02, 2023
In 2022, the Federal Reserve began aggressively raising interest rates and has continued to do so in 2023, albeit at a much more measured pace. This has helped many certificate of deposits (CDs) increase their interest rates to levels not seen in well over a decade. However, while investing in CDs at peak rates might seem like a sound strategy, in the past it hasn’t always translated into the best outcome for investors.
Franklin Templeton Institute: Q3 Investment Ideas
September 01, 2023
In this quarter’s issue of Investment Ideas, our investment managers review opportunities and risks from a US perspective.
- Overall trend: invest cash reserves in fixed income and more.
- In fixed income, investment-grade credit looks attractive to us given characteristics of anticipated total return, income and risk.
- Within equities, concentrated results today lead to opportunities across the equity universe tomorrow.
- In alternative investments, prevailing conditions are shifting from challenging to encouraging for private investors.
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