Will the Emerging Markets’ Financial Sector Trigger a New Crisis?

Banking sector crises have historically been one of the key drivers of risk for emerging-market (EM) countries’ asset returns. Naturally, the recent banking crises in the US and Europe raise concerns about EM exposure to financial sector risks too. We’ve found that the EM financial sector overall looks strong and resilient—but that several individual EM countries’ banks could be vulnerable.

The Latin American crisis of the 1980s, the Mexican crisis of 1994–95, and the Asian Crisis of the late 1990s shared several underlying causes. In each case, economic stresses manifested in the financial sector, leading to fully-fledged banking crises and investor panic. Mindful of those lessons, investors need to keep a weather eye open for new stresses and monitor a range of metrics to detect signs of possible trouble across the EM financial sector.

Measuring Risks for EM Financial Systems

Typically, these risk metrics fall into two categories. Macro/leverage metrics aim to identify macroeconomic pressure points and potentially excessive leverage within a country’s financial system. Financial metrics help monitor the balance sheet risks of the financial system, which determine its ability to withstand unexpected losses without causing systemic crises.

We find three macro/leverage metrics are particularly effective indicators across the full range of EM countries; these measures help highlight excessive borrowing, asset-price bubbles (especially in the real estate sector), and dollarization. Specifically:

Comparing movements in property prices (adjusted for inflation) helps assess the risk of possible asset bubbles developing.

Monitoring changes in private credit/GDP can show if the level of private sector borrowing is becoming disproportionately high.

Tracking the dollarization rate quantifies how much a country’s population has lost confidence in the local currency and has substituted hard currencies such as the US dollar instead (Display).

Macro Trend Changes Can Highlight Possible Dangers

Financial metrics can also apply consistently across EM financial companies. For instance, key measures normally include the nonperforming loan, wholesale funding to total liabilities, and gross loan to deposit ratios. But investors need to adjust for data inconsistencies. For instance, the definitions of nonperforming loans, liquid assets, and net profits can vary across EM countries because of differing levels of regulatory forbearance measures and accounting systems.