Calculated Risk Management: Strategy, Tools and Culture for Equity Portfolios

Investors need a better grasp of risk-management tools to gauge a portfolio’s strategic resilience in a rapidly changing world.

Danger lurks in every corner of the financial markets. From macroeconomic hazards to systemic volatility to business threats facing individual companies, countless forces can throw a stock or portfolio off course.

Getting risk management right is a timeless task that tests even the most seasoned portfolio manager and requires a mix of skill, experience and humility. While investors may not always understand the technicalities behind the tools, improving their knowledge of the principles can better equip them to evaluate a portfolio manager’s risk-management strategy.

A Mosaic Approach for Complex Markets

Global markets are immensely complex. That’s why we advocate for a “mosaic approach” to risk management, meaning different tools are used for different circumstances (Display). Using the right tools provides transparency on a portfolio’s exposure to various risks. It also enables portfolio teams to take calculated risks when they can develop conviction and insight that ultimately leads to alpha. And using multiple models helps reduce measurement error.

Creating a Risk Mosaic_Different Models for Different Hazards