Chaikin Analytics

Looking Forward: Using a Proven ETF Rating to Build Better Client Portfolios
As ETFs grow in number and complexity, it’s becoming more difficult and time-consuming for advisors to find the right ones. Discover how to build better ETF-based portfolios using a uniquely forward-looking rating system that helps you easily determine the best ETFs for your clients.
Join Marc Chaikin, Founder of Chaikin Analytics and creator of Chaikin Money Flow, as he walks you through cutting-edge technology that helps advisors make better investing decisions, accelerates the research process, enhances client engagement, and frees up time to grow your AUM.
Advisors will learn how to:
- Access a forward-looking rating system and customizable reports can help grow your practice and facilitate compliance
- Utilize “best-in-breed” platforms to communicate with clients
- Perform a model checkup—diagnose your ETF models to ensure that they have the best of the best in each category of asset style and class
- Use techniques to engage with clients and demonstrate best interest practices
After the presentation Mark will be available to answer questions live.
Looking Forward: ETFs In Your Clients’ Best Interest
Every day, ETFs are expanding in number, assets, and complexity. Now, more than ever, it is important to keep your clients’ best interests in mind as you navigate this evolving landscape. To be successful, advisors must do this without sacrificing client experience, financial outcomes, and overall communication.
Join Carlton Neel, CEO of Chaikin Analytics, and Pete Carmasino, Director of Advisor Strategies at Chaikin Analytics, as they explore the overall ETF landscape and debut a cutting edge platform that improves client communications, offers compliant-friendly reporting, and keeps your clients’ best interest at heart.
Advisors will learn how to:
Utilize best in breed platforms to communicate with clients
Perform a model checkup—diagnose your ETF models to ensure that they have the best of the best in each category of asset style and class
Use techniques to engage with clients and demonstrate best interest practices
Understand how a forward-looking quantitative rating and customizable reports can help grow your practice and facilitate compliance
After the presentation, the presenters Carlton Neel, Sash Hayman, and Pete Carmasino will be available to answer live questions.