The Rise of India: Is it The Perfect Emerging Market?
India currently boasts the title of ‘fastest growing major economy in the world’ for the second year running. Yet many indexes and ETFs that focus on emerging markets are flawed and fail to capture the real growth potential.
Join VettaFi and EMQQ Global as they unpack why India is “the perfect emerging market” and share a unique strategy focused on the internet and ecommerce as the most transformative sector of the future economy.
Capturing the Growth in Emerging Markets: The Next Frontier
With the internet becoming increasingly affordable and accessible, billions of people in the developing world are now leapfrogging traditional consumption patterns and starting to consume online for the first time. The result of this rising middle-class consumer wave has transformed economies and produced new internet giants equal to or larger than their U.S. counterparts. While the Emerging Market internet and ecommerce story has been largely focused on China thus far, the story is evolving and accelerating to companies and consumers in India, Southeast Asia, South America and Africa.
Kevin will delve into the greater influence of this new consumer wave and the fundamental changes taking place in developing economies beyond China, their preference for online services and shopping via the smartphone and how Gen-Z will drive the next wave of this growing digital revolution.
The Future of Emerging Markets & The Coming Digital Generation
Kevin Carter, the Founder & CIO of The Emerging Markets Internet & Ecommerce ETF (NYSE:EMQQ) will be covering the impacts of the Chinese delisting developments, the rumored Alibaba antitrust laws, and how Gen-Z will drive the next leg of digital transformation for the developing world. Kevin has worked alongside Princeton Economist Dr Burton Malkiel for over two decades focused on China/Emerging Markets that’s culminated in the creation of EMQQ and the best overall performing EM Index for the 1yr, 3yr, and 5yr periods according to ETFdb.