
IRAs: Goldmine or Minefield
In this presentation, we provide an overview of key IRA rules, regulations and what you need to know regarding recent changes. Even more important, we show you how to leverage IRA knowledge to attract individuals with eligible rollover assets, demonstrate benefits of working with a financial professional, and influence the value of personal guidance to beat the competition.
The Lights are Changing With Tom Wald, CFA®
Recent months have seen a dramatic shift in the events and developments impacting markets. Transamerica Chief Investment Officer Tom Wald reviews them in the context of what long term investors need to know.
Where We Stand: Transamerica 2022 Market Outlook
Transamerica Asset Management, Inc., CIO Tom Wald discusses market risks and opportunities awaiting investors as 2022 begins. Tom will cover an array of topics, including U.S. and international stocks, the economy, interest rates, Fed policy, credit markets, and international strategies. He will dive deep into the impacts of COVID-19 trends and its variants, as well as inflation. He'll explore the prospects for economic growth in the year ahead, plus the possible ramifications of a break in strong pent-up consumer demand.
Taxing Times: Debt, Tax Reform, and Strategies for Uncertainty
Learning Objectives include:
- Social Security
- Medicare
- Tax Diversification
IRAs: Goldmine or Minefield?
Join Chris McGovern, Director, Transamerica’s Advanced Markets Group, and Advisor Perspectives to increase your confidence and understanding of IRAs, as well as the ability to present creative IRA options that benefit your clients.
Market Outlook: Opportunities in a Changing Landscape
Transamerica Asset Management Chief Investment Officer Tom Wald, CFA® discusses a changing market landscape and reviews the predominant opportunities and risks for investors as we approach the second half of 2021. In doing so Tom will cover the implications of recently rising interest rates, renewed inflationary concerns and new rounds of fiscal stimulus all amidst a backdrop of stronger than expected economic growth.
Financial Professionals Guide to Estate Planning
Let’s face it, estate planning tends to be boring, time-consuming, and complex. And with the current estate tax exclusion, some financial professionals feel estate planning impacts fewer and fewer people. Truth be told, estate planning isn’t just for the wealthy – it impacts every client you have. This presentation and the accompanying materials are designed to provide you with fundamental knowledge of must-know estate planning concepts.
Year-End Strategies
As I am sure many of you will agree, 2020 has proven to be a particularly challenging year. Many of your clients’ lives may have changed drastically as have many laws and regulations. Transamerica’s advanced markets group is dedicated to providing you with the right strategies at the right time — helping your clients make the right decisions. In this presentation, we discuss urgent items and strategies that clients need to complete before the year comes to a close.
What you will learn on this webinar:
• urgent conversations to have with your clients before the end of the year
• specific sales opportunities these strategies create
• an overview of the Transamerica collateral that can help you communicate and discuss these strategies with your clients

Behavioral factors can significantly impact a client’s financial wellness. This executive brief focuses on four — Future Concept, Impulsiveness, Materialism and Financial Literacy — to provide insights into identifying and addressing each factor during financial coaching, which financial professionals can use to create the optimal plan for each client.
Behavioral Finance: The Power of Behavior to Build Wealth + Health
From the sage investor to the novice with little to no experience, humans are inherently emotional and often irrational when it comes to money decisions. This year alone, we’ve already seen how a global pandemic, unstable markets, and a sensationalized news cycle can influence investor behavior. This begs the question: How can financial professionals help keep their clients on track through uncertainty? This presentation will cover:
- How investor behavior impacts long-term financial security
- Why behavioral finance insights are more important now than ever
- How to save investors from the fallouts of emotional investing
- And cover effective tools and strategies to help clients weather the storm